
  • Roses

    Roses are a classic romantic gift to send to the one you love. Roses bouquets are available for delivery to a home, business or school. Send roses & bouquets of roses for any occasion, choose the color that send a message, red for romance, yellow for friendship, pink if you are falling in love. All our bouquets are delivered with a personalized card message. You can send roses internationally almost anywhere worldwide, choose the desired destination.

  • Flowers

    Here you can find our complete collection of beautiful bouquets and flowers arrangements for all occasions. All our bouquets are prepared fresh by our network of premium local florists around the world, in over 100 countries. has everything you need to surprise anytime and anywhere with the best quality flowers.

  • Plants

    Some people ask "Why send a plant when you can send flowers?". There are many reasons why a beautiful plant makes a great gift. Although flowers may slightly hold the aesthetic edge, no flower lasts as long as you would like (while the flowers we sell have a 7 days freshness guarantee). Send a plant and you can be sure that your gift can be enjoyed to its full for a much longer time. You can send premium orchids, one of our top premium plants, or other great choices like peace lilies or diefenbachias. We can help you sending plants and other gifts internationally almost anywhere worldwide.

  • Gourmet

    Choose from a wide variety of premium gourmet items like chocolates, cakes, fruit baskets, gourmet baskets and much more. All orders will be handled locally by premium stores, bakeries or chocolates specialists.

  • Occasions

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